admin.audit.anomaly.allow.getItemAPI to allow enterprise grid admins to read the allow list of IP blocks and ASNs from the enterprise configuration.
admin.audit.anomaly.allow.updateItemAPI to allow enterprise grid admins to write/overwrite the allow list of IP blocks and ASNs from the enterprise configuration.
admin.conversations.ekm.listOriginalConnectedChannelInfoList all disconnected channels—i.e., channels that were once connected to other workspaces and then disconnected—and the corresponding original channel IDs for key revocation with EKM.
admin.functions.permissions.lookupLookup the visibility of multiple Slack functions and include the users if it is limited to particular named entities.
admin.functions.permissions.setSet the visibility of a Slack function and define the users or workspaces if it is set to named_entities
admin.users.setOwnerSet an existing regular user or admin to be a workspace owner.
admin.users.setRegularSet an existing guest user, admin user, or owner to be a regular user.
admin.users.session.clearSettingsClear user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for a list of users.
admin.users.session.getSettingsGet user-specific session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—given a list of users.
admin.users.session.resetBulkEnqueues an asynchronous job to wipe all valid sessions on all devices for a given list of users
admin.users.session.setSettingsConfigure the user-level session settings—the session duration and what happens when the client closes—for one or more users.
admin.users.unsupportedVersions.exportAsk Slackbot to send you an export listing all workspace members using unsupported software, presented as a zipped CSV file.
apps.connections.openGenerate a temporary Socket Mode WebSocket URL that your app can connect to in order to receive events and interactive payloads over.
apps.datastore.updateEdits an existing item's attributes, or adds a new item if it does not already exist.
apps.event.authorizations.listGet a list of authorizations for the given event context. Each authorization represents an app installation that the event is visible to.
functions.distributions.permissions.listList the access type of a custom slack function and include the users or team or org ids with access if its permission_type is set to named_entities
functions.distributions.permissions.setSet the access type of a custom slack function and define the users or team or org ids to be granted access if permission_type is set to named_entities